Electric Rate Schedule
Review the electric rate schedule.
The Electric Utility Department's goal is to provide a constant and reliable supply of electricity to our customers. They are also responsible for maintaining and operating a back up generation system as well as installing and maintaining the infrastructure of the electric utility.
Heartland Energy (HE)
Lake Crystal Municipal Utilities purchases their power from Heartland Energy. Visit their website at www.heartlandenergy.com to learn more about them and the rebate programs they have to offer Lake Crystal Municipal Utility Customers.
Energy Audit
If you are interested in having an Energy Audit done in your home please contact City Hall.
(507) 726-2538 Ext #3 or click here to send an email.
Solar Panels
Lake Crystal Municipal Utilities (LCMU) has adopted a Solar Interconnection Process and Requirements Policy for those interested in installing qualifying co-generation facilities operating in parallel with LCMU in their home or business. A Building Permit is also required for installing solar panels. Please allow 7-10 business days for processing of the building permit.
Click here for more information regarding utility applications, billing, payments, and suspension of services.
Review the electric rate schedule.