Frequently Asked Questions

When are utility bills due?
Utility bills are mailed to residents on the 16th of each month and are due by the 30th.

Where do I pay my utility bill?

  • Cash, check, MasterCard, and Visa are all acceptable forms of payment. 
    • City of Lake Crystal, PO Box 86 Lake Crystal, MN 56055
  • Bills can be paid at the front desk of City Hall during office hours or placed in the drop box on north side of the building
  • Go paperless & Pay online. Create an account and select paperless statements to no longer receive paper statements in the mail. Autopay is also available. 
  • Pay by phone: (507) 726-2538


Where do pick up a Building Permit Application?
Building permit applications are available at City Hall or online.

How long does it take to receive a Building Permit?
Once you return your building permit application to City Hall or Prokore, it will take 7 to 10 days to process.  City Staff will call you when it is ready for pickup.  If you are building a new home it will take 10 to 15 days.  All fees must be paid before you may begin your project.


When is garbage & recycling collection?

Collection is every Friday (unless notified due to weather or observed holiday).