Lake Crystal Public Utilities



Apply for Utilities

  • If you are moving to/from a property, please notify City Hall at least one day prior to move.
  • For new community members, fill out the Utility Service Application and return to the front desk at City Hall. You will also be given a "Welcome Packet". There is no application fee.   
  • Utility Billing includes electric, water, sewer, refuse, recycling, and tax. 


Utility Payments

  • Cash, check, MasterCard, and Visa are all acceptable forms of payment.
  • Bills can be paid at the front desk of City Hall during office hours or placed in the drop box
  • Go paperless & Pay online. Create an account and select paperless statements to no longer receive paper statements in the mail. Autopay is also available. 
  • Pay by phone: (507) 726-2538



Suspension of Utility Services

To qualify for suspension of services, residents must be vacant from the property for a minimum of 30 days. Payment must be made to suspend services. Notify the City Offices of return at least 10 days in advance. Please read the agreement in its entirety. 


Application Fees: 

  • $25.00 Garbage & Recycling
  • $75.00 Water Shut-Off

Water and sewer services can be suspended in one of two ways:

  1. Water service can be turned off at the curb. A one-time, $75 fee will be billed to the account, which will cover disconnection and reconnection of service upon your return. 
  2. Water can remain on at the residence.  The minimum monthly water and sewer charges will continue to be billed as long as no water is consumed.  If any water passes through the meter, regular billing will automatically resume.  

Suspension of Utility Services Application




Budget Billing

Budget Billing Plan is designed to provide you with predictability and convenience in managing your energy expenses throughout the year. Contact City Hall to sign up!


Outdoor Water Use Meter

The City of Lake Crystal has adopted a policy for second water meters - “outdoor use water meters” - to provide water usage for irrigation and other outdoor purposes. 


Service Line Warranty Program

Service Line Warranties

"Providing warranty protection for your buried, outside water and sewer lines"

To learn more about the program, visit the website or contact the company by phone. 


Energy Assistance Programs

Review eligibility requirements for the Minnesota Valley Action Council and The Salvation Army's HeatShare Program.